O.K. Video Episode 5 : Body Snatchers (1993)

 O.K. Video Episode 5 Body Snatchers

Five, the magic number for RSS feeds. With any luck our humble little show will start to appear on podcast platforms in the near future. 

For magic number five we get into this remake (or is it a sequel?) of the classic paranoid tale of invasion and body swapping, Abel Ferrara's severely underexposed Body Snatchers. This movie barely saw the light of a projector's booth when it first came out in 1993 but thanks to video tapes and television, it eventually found an audience. 

Don't listen to Meg Tilly, there are at least a few people like you left here at O.K. Video. If you want to email us a question or concern we can be reached at ryan@okvideo.ca or nathan@okvideo.ca

Thanks again for listening as our pod slowly grows into a fully formed creature. 

- N 


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