O.K. Video Weird Cop Buddies 3 Alien Nation

 O.K. Video Weird Cop Buddies 3 Alien Nation

Aliens have landed on Earth and all they want to do is work and live and laugh and love. Detective Sam Francisco is a Newcomer, the first to become a detective in the melting pot of Los Angeles. He is teamed up with Detective Sikes, a hard-bitten, hard-edged, hard-drinking cop whose partner was just gunned down with bizarre weaponry. To solve the case they are going to have to trust each other and puzzle out what’s really going on in Slag City before a wave of violence consumes the sunny shores of the City of Angels. Welcome to Alien Nation

Nathan and Ryan take a peak into this bizarre, cult sci-fi franchise by looking at the movie that started it all in 1988. This is the third episode in our batch of Weird Buddy Cop pairings, thank-you for joining us. If you have questions for the show, fire us an email at ryan@okvideo.ca or nathan@okvideo.ca or tweet us @okvideopodcast. Keep that milk in the fridge so you don’t risk a milk-over.



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